Well, as I am the editor for Jess Shaw's Sheepy Woolroom production and the deadline was fast approaching I knew that I had to get what Jess had done into the edit. Yesterday I edited all the segments that are completed and put them into the timeline the best I could. I couldn't do it to the storyboards because some parts are currently getting filmed so once they are done I can finish off the edit. However, there is a lack of sound which needs to be dealt with. Jess and the sound person are going to go out and get some sound effects for me like the sound of the wind and footsteps on grass, all the things necessary so it makes it sound like that the sheep are on a farm.
In other Live Project news, my Zombie shoot date is set. The location is sorted. The actors are sorted. A way of making a massive duvet is almost there, I just need to collect some more white bed sheets so if anybody has any available that would be a great help. What I also need is a mass amount of people to be the 'zombies' so if you are available on the 21st of January feel free to come to the square outside of MIMA in Middlesbrough town centre. Oh before I forget I need to film the TV news broadcast which my main 'zombie' is viewing so that will done before the Multi-Camera production.
The Multi-Camera production. What can I say? It hasn't been the most well handled project I have done but we are getting there. Because of actors dropping out left, right and centre it really set us back. Especially the Romance section, because the male actor dropped out me and Andy (Head scriptwriter and Group C director) had to write another genre in. Thus Romance became Chick Flick. I wasn't totally sure about this genre as we had already discarded earlier in the year but it turns out the script we wrote is funny and the timing is spot on so I pleased about that. We have got two of the three actors in the Chick Flick section and it works well. Also in the Horror section my Vladimir actor dropped so we had to get a new actor in who fits the bill and has his own costume, fangs, the lot. Since the last time I wrote a post I believe that Detective Law and Stanley Buttons also dropped out but we got in two new actors really quickly so all the actors are set for the show. The set is almost complete and everything is near enough done, we just need to tie up all the loose ends. The track list for the sound is done I believe so I need to get in the sound booth tomorrow so I know my cues from Andy. I had a quick word with him about it and I pretty much understand were my cues are so I think I will be alright. The music tracks that I need to remember to put in are the Wilhelm scream for Buck Turbine's section and a scientific alarm for Deckard's section. Camera 4 is going to be changed so that is great news because the camera we have now is far too heavy for me to hold for 12 minutes and doesn't look like the rest of the cameras in the studio. Roll on live show!
Also this week I changed my production logo and name, I felt this was for the best because my original name was a too unique (it was a made up word) and this new name has a deeper meaning for me. Hopefully they are better than my previous attempts. Tell me what you think; they are on the side on screen.
All the best for the New Year!
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